Located in Southeast Texas, Community Health Choice (CHC) provides coordinated, affordable, and quality health care to underserved residents. The Community Health Providers of the Choice portal allows you to register for community health care benefits and medical expenses coverage. If you need a username and password, please register on the website (http://www.communityhealthchoice.org).
Steps For Community Health Choice Login
The next step is to access the Community Health Choice portal through login. You have the choice between two languages (English or Spanish). The Steps For Login are as follows:
- Login For Community Health Choice Marketplace: To log into the Community Health Choice Marketplace:
- Visit the Community Health Choice website (communityhealthchoice.org).
- Go to My Account on the Community Health Choice website.
- Select “Health Insurance Market.”
- You will have access to the community health market. A member login option will be available in the Community Health Choice Marketplace Portal.
- Enter the username and password you received when you signed up for the Community Health Choice Marketplace. Once you log in, you will see your account information.
- Login For Community Health Choice Medicaid/CHIP:
To sign up for Medicaid/CHIP through Community Health Choice, follow these steps:
- Please visit the Community Health Choice website (www.communityhealthchoice.org).
- Click on “My Account” on the right.
- The site will ask you to select one of the products (Health Insurance Marketplace or Medicaid/CHIP) to Login to the Community Health Choice.
- To login to Community Health Choice Medicaid/CHIP, click on the Medicaid/CHIP option.
- Enter your username and password in the member login option.
Requirements For Community Health Choice Login:
- PCs, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and iPads.
- Visit the Community Health Choice website (www.communityhealthchoice.org).
- Good internet connection.
- Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer.
- Username and password.